Cahall Racing moves to a new web site

Today the old hand-crafted HTML site moved over to WordPress.  WordPress is so much simpler to manage and it was time to modernize and simplify.   Additionally, also now hosts my old WordPress blog that previously was on

Unfortunately, when moved away from being a user based photo storing site, I was not quick enough to grab all of my photos.  So a number of the photo links were broken on the old site, and continue to be broken now here on its new home.  Worst of all, for many of them, I cannot find the original photos anywhere. I have been looking through old hard drives, DVDs and CDs to see if I can find them.  I will also at least remove the broken links.

For now, the old  static “” site is still alive.  It currently lives at – but at some point I will likely kill it.  For SEO reasons, now redirects here with a 301 to make the search engines happy. It was fun making the old date format go away in the rewrite rule. I love apache!

Now both of the old sites live in one place – here – on

Ted Cahall

Author: Ted Cahall

Ted Cahall is an executive, engineer, entrepreneur as well as amateur race car driver. He combined his skills as an engineer and passion for racing by developing the points tracking website for the Washington DC region of the SCCA.

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